Friday, August 30, 2019

Texas Hoss Cat to Appear on "My 25-Pound Life"

LUBBOCK, Texas - Everything might be bigger in Texas, but one rotund cat wants to prove they can also get smaller. Boo-Boo, an oversized orange tabby, will throw his weight behind an upcoming television show about large cats trying to get healthier. My 25-Pound Life, a program that follows the journeys of cats with more to love and lots to lose, is rumored to be in production. "Meowdy, y'all," said Boo-Boo from his well-worn spot on the couch before falling asleep during the interview. His new regimen will include playing more, eating less people food, and actually getting up once in a while. To help celebrate his newfound stardom, Boo-Boo's caregiver dumped an entire bag of cat treats on the floor.


  1. Our Chloe may need this program soon. Every time she goes outside and comes back in, she thinks she has to have fresh food. And, of course, I give it to her. ��


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